SubTool folders now support Move Up and Move Down functions. A pop-up message is now displayed when exiting Edit mode, asking for confirmation. ImprovementsBelow are some of the improvements or behavior changes made with ZBrush 2019.1: 3D Print Hub, with better handling of large STL files and support for more STL formats on import. SubTool Master, with a new Show Hidden Points function.

Several plugins have been updated to support 2019 additions as well as for stability and performance improvements: Imported cameras are listed in the Camera selection list in the Draw palette. The FBX format now supports up to 64 cameras at import and export. GoZ has been updated with support for Adobe Photoshop® 2019, Autodesk Maya 2019 and Autodesk 3DS Max 2020. A new “Groups Intersection” mode has been added to the Smooth Brush Modifiers. Unlike your operating system screensaver, this one will only affect the ZBrush application window. A Screensaver has been added which (after a predefined amount of time) will display curated images straight from the 24 community. A new split mode, which isolates the current SubTool from all others, displaying them on separate sides of the screen. ZBrush 2019.1 introduces several additions to both improve workflow and enhance your ZBrush experience:

Please see the list below for more information. It includes several new features as well as a number of enhancements or fixes within both the ZBrush feature set and various plugins. We strongly recommend upgrading at the earliest opportunity.
Spotlight mode zbrush trial update#
ZBrush 2019.1 is now available as a FREE update for all users.